Inspection Training with Transport Canada

VR training allows safety inspectors the chance to practice interactions with potentially dangerous individuals and environments.

Walking through procedures in the virtual world means less risk and fewer consequences than doing so in the real world. Employees can then feel confident in their skills prior to facing them in their natural work environment. The Innovative Solutions Canada Program paired us with Transport Canada to allow them to utilize our technology to train their inspectors.

The Project:

In 2021, Motive was awarded a contract to implement virtual reality training tools into Transport Canada’s employee training program. The contract was awarded under the Innovative Solutions Canada Program, enabling federal government organizations to utilize innovative small to medium business products in their operational settings. The program’s goal is to support novel solutions to challenges and bolster innovation in Canada’s business sector. We were excited to work with Transport Canada to advance the safety, security, and innovation of Canada’s transportation system.

Project Goals:

Through the Innovative Solutions Canada Program, Transport Canada was able to gain access to and test our cutting-edge technology. Transport Canada was tasked with evaluating the effectiveness of VR training for Transport Canada inspectors and the feasibility of Motive as a platform for Transport Canada learning designers.

Motive enabled Transport Canada the ability to train in VR.

Getting Started:

In collaboration with Transport Canada, we created two different scenarios for Transport Canada’s inspectors. The first would be an aviation inspection, and the second a navigation protection inspection. We needed to work together to create assets, storyboard, and author the scenarios.

Our first meetings took place to establish the goals for the training. What did inspectors need to learn in the scenarios? What skills were they expected to obtain through the training? What kind of actions did they need to practice? We were able to connect with not only learning designers, but also subject matter experts (SMEs) to discuss what was needed in the scenario. We needed to develop a way to translate the knowledge of the SMEs into processes that worked effectively in VR. 

Authoring & Environment:

After gathering all of the necessary information, we were able to begin storyboarding the inspection process. Storyboarding and authoring included steps such as identification, documentation, gathering evidence, and taking statements. We used keyword recognition artificial intelligence to allow for interactions and conversations with characters in the scene.

Trainees are able to interact with avatars through AI.

Our 3D art team was simultaneously able to create environments and assets to mimic real-life inspection sites. We worked with Transport Canada to ensure the scene was as closely reflective of a typical environment, down to minor details such as barnacle growth on the bottom of the boat.

A high level of detail was added to 3D assets.

Up Next for Inspection Training:

The project has wrapped up as of March 31, 2022. Feedback from the Transport Canada team against Innovative Solution Canada’s guidelines has been incredibly strong. Deployment is planned for Fall 2022. Transport Canada and Motive will start to evaluate the deployment and effectiveness of the new VR training program. We are excited to continue working with and supporting Transport Canada’s inspection training program in the near future.

Are you interested in VR for your workplace?